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- Vilnius Divine Mercy 20x36 on Canvas - Frame 8483

- Vilnius Divine Mercy 20x36 on Canvas - Frame 8483

Regular price $350.00
Regular price Sale price $350.00
Sale Sold out

If you are searching for an ornate look, gold frame 8483 is the one. One of our best sellers for many years, this is a heavy solid wood frame. 8483 is 2.5" wide.  

The orig­i­nal Divine Mer­cy Image, paint­ed by Eugene Kaz­imierowski in Vil­nius under the direct super­vi­sion of St. Fausti­na and Fr. Michael Sopocko. It was com­plet­ed in 1934. The image fell into dis­re­pair from stor­age dur­ing the sec­ond World War, and the fol­low­ing decades when pub­lic ven­er­a­tion of the Divine Mer­cy was for­bid­den. The image was restored back to it’s orig­i­nal beau­ty in 2003 by an artist of Vil­nius and this restora­tion, with some slight modifications, is what is avail­able here

Please note the following:

  • Images pictured on this website are not always proportional. This is just a website limitation - the real product will be proportioned to the correct size ordered.
  • Our Images are highly scratch resistant but it's always best to use a feather duster and be gentle on the canvas.
  • Our canvas and inks are water resistant, but please bless Images with holy water on the frame.
  • Keep this Image and all artwork out of direct sunlight.

Thank you for considering this Image!  

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